Shintaro to Ayano [Quote MCA]

| Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

"I Can't longer see you with my eyes,
touch you with my hands but..
when I imagine how you smile,
I feel you in my heart..
but I realize that i cant let you Go..!!
I wish I could forget my painful past,
cause I hate getting flashbacks,
I don't want to rembember,
I so depression..

I maybe Happy on the outside, but deep inside..
You know I'm so lonely, sometimes I did'nt want to wake up,
I was having a much better time when I sleep and thats really sad it was almost like a reverse nightmare,
like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved,
I woke up into a nightmare.
when the memories hit me, it very hurts..
Finally I want to be in your arms,
where you hold me tight and never let me go forever"

(Shintaro to Ayano-Mekaku city actors)

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