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| Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014
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Bagi sahabat yang ingin mengajukan keringanan biaya kuliah, berikut sudah dilampirkan alur serta format berkas yang harus dikumpulkan. Maksimal pengumpulan kolektif pada 30 Oktober 2014 melalui KESMA BEM KM UNY atau langsung ke bagian Tata Usaha Rektorat UNY.

Format permohonan dapat di download disini


Posted by : yuliarie11
Date :Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014
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Shintaro to Ayano [Quote MCA]

| Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014
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"I Can't longer see you with my eyes,
touch you with my hands but..
when I imagine how you smile,
I feel you in my heart..
but I realize that i cant let you Go..!!
I wish I could forget my painful past,
cause I hate getting flashbacks,
I don't want to rembember,
I so depression..

I maybe Happy on the outside, but deep inside..
You know I'm so lonely, sometimes I did'nt want to wake up,
I was having a much better time when I sleep and thats really sad it was almost like a reverse nightmare,
like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved,
I woke up into a nightmare.
when the memories hit me, it very hurts..
Finally I want to be in your arms,
where you hold me tight and never let me go forever"

(Shintaro to Ayano-Mekaku city actors)

Shintaro to Ayano [Quote MCA]

Posted by : yuliarie11
Date :Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014
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Jadwal Rilis Anime Fall 2014

| Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014
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Ehem.. anime fall udah mulai berdatangan nih...
ini dia jadwal rilisnya..

Jadwal Rilis Anime Fall 2014

Posted by : yuliarie11
Date :Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014
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